Tall clients has seemingly become my middle name and Mr and Mrs HD & N were no exception. During the throws of the pandemic I got a phone call out of the blue from a lovely couple who I then met up with, masked to the hilt, in a coffee shop. They had bought a 2 bed apartment in an older block in town and the layout was just not working for them. They had a very tight galley kitchen and bathroom , resulting in Mr HD &N spending most of his time stooping to either cook or shower.
They knew exactly what they wanted but needed someone to help pull it all together, manage the design process and the project management in its entirety. I love working with dynamic creatives and these two were no exception. We had a shared vision for the end result and it was refreshing for me to work with a slightly more mid century modern look and feel once again.
For a variety of paperwork issues, the project was put on hold and it was only quite a few months later that I got a call once again from them. Since I had last seen them they had snuck in a little wedding and were now set and rearing to go ahead. Luckily I had a small gap in schedules and we decided to jump head first in and start a mere two weeks or so later.
One flew to america, the other to Johannesburg and I got handed the keys to get on with it, which is my absolute best!